Kid’s Ministry
Kids, preschool through fifth grade, experience safe, age-appropriate environments where the Bible is taught in a creative, fun, and relevant way. At Kids Life, we create experiences for children to know God, discover who they are in Christ, be filled with His power, and experience His love. Kids Life meets on Sunday’s at 10:00 am. You and your kids don’t want to miss out on Sunday mornings here at Cathedral of Life!
Student Ministries (Mighty Warriors)
Our Mighty Warriors Youth Group is designed to serve students ages 11-18yrs of age. Each week students are taught the full gospel and engage in activities that challenge and support growth and maturity in their relationship with Christ Jesus. Healthy relationships, outreach opportunities and discipleship are the emphasis for our student family each week. Students are welcome on Tuesdays at 7:00pm. Bring your friends too!
Worship & Word
The student ministries meets every Tuesdays at 7pm.
Men’s Ministry (GateKeepers)
This team works specifically with the men of the Church. The GateKeeper men build connections, creates accountability, facilitates encouragement, and demonstrates the power of prayer. They have a mission to “Learn to Lead” and “Learn to Love”, which empowers them to be mighty men of God in their homes and in their communities. These men work together to elevate each other to walk biblically: as father, husband, grandfather, and/or son. All men are encouraged to participate.
Women’s Ministry (Ladies of Faith)
The mission of Ladies of Faith is to connect, serve, and empower women to make a difference in their families, in their community, and around the globe. Each of us, by God’s grace, can do something to reach the lost and ease the suffering in our world. The Ladies of Faith meet on the first Monday of each month, for fellowship, prayer, and a great time! Come and join us!
Recovery Ministry (Raising H.O.P.E)
The Raising Hope Recovery Ministries at Cathedral of Life include 12 step inspired messages of Hope, Worship, and Support. Helping Other People Elevate on Sunday nights @7pm. We also host Community Epidemic of Hope events several times a year. We host our meetings in-person and online…look for links and