Get Connected

The Cathedral of Life Ministries offers several outreach programs that we know you will love.  There is something for everyone. These programs will allow you to develop relationships within the church as well as reach out to others within the community. We look forward to getting to know you.

Some of the programs provided are:

Growth Track

Growth Track is the key to being connected to the ministries at Cathedral of Life.  It consists of a series of topics that include an overview of who we are and what we believe, how to live a life of faith, discovering your personality and spiritual gifts, and the church’s Dream Teams.

Dream Teams

The Cathedral of Life Ministries’ Dream Teams are the groups within the church who exercise their God-given gifts & talents to serve within the church and community.  From  the Usher Dream Team to the Outreach Dream Team, our members are demonstrating their love for both their God and the people He loves.
Life Enrichment Groups
Our Life Enrichment Groups make it possible for the Cathedral of Life Ministries to grow larger but remain small at the same time.  The churches members offer special topic sessions that include bible studies, crafts, personal health projects, and specialty topics.  Not only does this provide an opportunity for a person to share an interest in their lives but it also provides a time of relationship building outside the church.  Come and use your gifts and have fun.